Sunday, November 23, 2014

What I am REALLY thankful for this holiday season...

As we arrive at this time of giving and Thanksgiving, you see tons of posts on Facebook and other social media sights listing the things people are "thankful" for. Some of them tug at your heart strings. Some of them make you laugh. Some of them are a big old farce. You know the ones I am talking about! Come on folks! Don't forget we know you in real life...

And of course, as a mom, I am thankful for my wonderful family. That goes without saying. I mean, how could you not cherish this sweet little face? And her many, many, MANY drawings of our family show how much we mean to her too.

And I am thankful for awesome little "mommy moments" like reading my favorite childhood classic with my kids every night. And then finding the movie on Netflix and enjoying a family movie night.

But let's face it, most moms' lists of things they are really "thankful" for are selfish and include things that are taken for granted before you become parents.

Things like:

Going to the bathroom ALONE
You know you are a mom when you take your phone to the toilet with you so you can have five minutes of peace and quiet while you scroll through your Facebook newsfeed or catch a few minutes of your favorite show on Netflix. I get you. I do the same thing. 

Hey, there is NOTHING wrong with your kids thinking you need to take a half hour poop twice a day while you watch Charmed... Right?!

Making a gourmet dinner that is actually APPRECIATED
And maybe even enjoyed. Is that too much to ask? There is nothing like pouring your heart and soul out in the kitchen night after night just to be bombarded with cries of "Eww! What IS that" and "Can't I just have a PB&J instead?" And those are just what I hear from my husband! 

Most moms would give anything for a dinner night that went off without a hitch or single complaint. Or maybe that is just me.

Having some time to write, craft, read, or even THINK 
Insert your favorite thing in this one. It's okay to be selfish sometimes! As parents, we always put our kids needs ahead of our own. There is nothing wrong with doing the things we enjoy sometimes. And there is no need to feel guilty about being thankful for those few moments of peace!

Having some "alone time" with the spouse
How can you keep the romance alive if you don't ever get any time alone? I am truly thankful for the fact that our kids are finally getting old enough to be left at home alone while we enjoy a dinner out and some time to talk about things other than "Brennan hasn't had a bowel movement in two days" and "the kids need: new shoes, haircuts, Christmas presents"....the list goes on and on! It is nice to talk about grownup stuff, like "how to get rich by making a house that cleans itself" and "who can eat the biggest meatball"

Yes, those are things my husband and I actually have discussed on "date night". Be jealous! It's okay.

Having control of the remote control
How many episodes of Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood and Bratz Babies can one mom take before she goes insane? I am tempted to change the Netflix password some days! I long for those quiet moments when I can curl up in the corner with my iPad and binge watch the shows that I want to watch. 

Thank you Netflix for the ability to stream more than one show at a time!

For that I am TRULY grateful.

What are YOU grateful for this Thanksgiving?

I receive complimentary service in return for my endorsement, but all opinions and referrals are 100% my own opinion.

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Friday, November 21, 2014

Shut 'em up with Chocolate Swirl Sweet Potato Pie: A guest post by FoodRetro

If you love to eat, then you need to follow FoodRetro!

Shut 'em up with Chocolate Swirl Sweet Potato Pie
by Anne of FoodRetro

No one ever tried to pretend raising a kid was easy, but I never imagined in my wildest dreams that it would be a one-way ticket to crazy town.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Penicillin Pie: A Guest Post by Real Life Parenting

This is one of the funniest blogs out there! Give Real Life Parenting a try!

Penicillin Pie
by Jennifer Schario-Hicks

I am pretty sure my Mother of the Year award is at least in the platinum stage for as many times as I've won the friggin' thing. Most of the time I award myself in hindsight once I see the even from a slightly removed perspective.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Brennan Reviews: Prima Princessa presents The Nutcracker

A Movie Review as seen through the eyes of a 4 year old, written by her mother (Because she can't write. Duh.) We received a free copy of this DVD in return for our honest opinion.

When my mom told me that I was going to get a really fun princess ballerina video in the mail JUST FOR ME, I was super duper 'cited!

I really like to get things in the mail.

Especially princess things. And ballet things.

When the DVD came, I couldn't wait to rip that sucker open. And I wanted to watch it straight away! Mom told me that it was a very special dancing movie that I could dance right along with. So, of course, I had to get my ballerina stuffs on! That took a while cuz I could only find ONE ballet slipper and you can't be a ballerina without your ballet slippers! I don't know why them dumb things are always coming up missing. Mom says its cuz I play in my ballet bag all the time, but what does she even know anyway?! I can't help it that I like to be a ballerina ALL the time, and not just for my Saturday morning ballet class. Maybe if she put on ballet slippers, she would want to be one all the time too! Note to self: buy mom some ballet stuffs for Christmas.

Once I got my favorite fluffy tutu on (it's the white one with pretty gold shiny things on it) and found my silly ballet slippers, I got right down to business. Mom put that video in the DVD player and I settled in to see what this business was gonna be all about.

I couldn't believe it! It was a movie all about real-live ballerinas! There was this really cute little fairy princess who told me all kinds of things about what the ballerinas were doing. And there was this little Nutcracker toy that came. to. life. Can you even believe that? Then that mean boy tried to break it! I am real glad that my brother is way bigger than me and doesn't touch my toys. That girl needed to give that boy a big talkin' to! (That's what my mom does when she is mad!)

Then came my FAVORITE part of the whole movie, the part where you get to dance with the ballerinas! The little fairy princess takes you to a ballet school with lots of little kids.

When I saw all them ballerinas, I had to make my mom pause that movie so that I could go get my hair done like a REAL ballerina! Ballerinas don't have BRAIDS. Duh.

My mom really needs to learn these things.

After I got her to put my hair up in a bun like real ballerinas do, I got down to business.

I take my dancin' REAL serious.

And this movie showed me how to do all kinds of dancin' moves! And it even taught me the really strange words that the ballerinas call them moves, too! I tried to say some of them words and that made me laugh. They use funny words for their moves.

I really, really liked watching this movie. My favorite parts were the parts where I got to get up and do some dancing with the ballerinas.

That was exciting!

I give this movie a 5/5 "Jazz hands" Finger Rating. It was lots of fun. I can't even WAIT to watch it again! I think that ALL little ballerinas like me need to watch this movie. They will like to do all that dancin' like I did.

And I think my mom gives it 5 fingers too.

She was pretty excited about how tired out I was when I was done with all them cool moves. (I don't even know why she gets all 'cited when I am sleepy. That is kinda dumb. No one even likes takin' naps.)

You should go visit Prima Princessa on their website ( right. now. There are lots of fun things to do there. My mom let me play games on the preschool games part and there was a part full of fun craft ideas and yummy treats to make too! And you can buy these videos (Yeah, there are more than one! You can also get Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty.) They would make really great gifts.

Prima Princessa is also on Pinterest.

Do YOU want a copy of this fun video?
Prima Princessa presents The Nutcracker 
is available for purchase or download on

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*I received a copy of this DVD in return for my review. All opinions contained within this blog post are of my 4 year old daughter and 100% honest because, let's face it, kids don't sugar coat what they are thinking, even if you try and bribe them.

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Thursday, November 6, 2014

Brennan Tid-Bits: A Facebook year in review.

A Day in the Life of a Drama Queen's Momma started one year ago today with a little old page on Facebook.  I never imagined in a million years that it would grow to this. Or that it would be so popular! Thanks for giving my funny stories an audience. You rock. And if you didn't find this blog from over there, be sure to head over to Facebook and check it out.

This past year has been crazy, full of ups and downs, big changes and little ones, and most of all, laughter. It is hard to believe that I have been at this whole "blogging" thing for a year now! As a little treat for my Facebook 1 year Pagiversary, I have put together my favorite tid-bits from the past year. Enjoy!


In Defense of Dad

Brennan: What does the Hulk look like?
Dad: He is just a regular guy, like daddy
Jessi: Except daddy is short, so he is probably taller
Kk: DONT SAY THAT about dad! Hes not short! He's just a little chubby...
Me: *hysterical laughter*
Dad: Ok, the hulk isn't really like daddy...
Kaileigh: Its ok daddy! You are warm and good to snuggle!


Brennan tells a knock knock joke....

Knock knock

Who's there


Nooo... we don't say that

OK, fine...knock knock

Who's there


Okay! That's better! Teeth who?

I'm gonna knock your teeth out! *hysterical laughter*

Okay, I spoke too soon....not much better!


Naughty Lil' Stinker

So Brennan was being pretty naughty and dad asked her "Do you want a spankin?" Of course her response was "Nope" as she disappeared into the bathroom. 2 seconds later I hear "actually I do want one..." So off goes dad to the bathroom where he encounters Brennan with the sink stool wrapped around her bottom, bent over waiting for one.... I should not have been laughing so hard in the living room....


A fast learner

Me: (to hubs) I am taking some cash out of your wallet to get gas.
Hubs: (counting cash in his wallet) Well that leaves me with 65 bucks for the week...that should be good..." 
Brennan: (running in from other room) Daddy, can I borrow 65 bucks?!


Mommy's Little "Helper"

It appears I have my own personal fashion consultant, in the form of a 4 year old diva. 
As I was getting dressed and around in the bathrom this morning, she came in, looked me up and down, and said, and I quote, "! You aren't planning on wearing that anywhere today are you?"

So I say, "Um, ACTUALLY, I AM planning on wearing this today.....why? Does it look bad or something?"

"Mom. Its not that simple."

Guess I better sign myself up for the next season of What Not To Wear...


A Vocabulary Lesson
Brennan: There's a fecker.
Brennan: A fecker. You know. A fox and a pecker.
Me: Ummmmmmm
Me: Oohhhh! Well Ok. Maybe we can come up with a different name for that....


Where does boob milk come from?

Brennan: When I was a baby I drank milk from your boob.
Me: Yes, you did.
Brennan: Does everyone have milk in their boobies?
Me: No, only mommys with babies. Now that you are big I don't have milk in there anymore.
Brennan: Yea! Now I get my milk from the fridge!! 
Me: (thinking quick on my feet) God puts it in there for mommas to feed their babies!
Brennan: (hysterically laughing) How does God pour milk into your boobies?? Hahahaha! That is too funny, mom.

I can only imagine the cartoon in her mind of God with a big carton of milk, pouring it into womans breast. LOL. The way a childs mind works...


Child's Play

Brennan: Mommy! You thinkin what I'm thinkin?! 
(Pinching my lips closed with her fingers) 
Say mmmhmm. Say it!
Me: mmmhmmm

Brennan: Wanna know WHAT I'm thinkin?!

Me: (Lips still pinched shut) mmhmmm

Brennan: (excited) I'm thinkin you should bring me a PRESENT!!

Well played child! Well played....


When kids learn insults

Brennan: This is my baby, Ellie Cootie Pock.
Me: Ellie. Cootie. Pock?! Bwhahahaha
Brennan: Don't laugh. I named her that cuz YOU are an Ellie Cootie Pock.

Uhhhh. Was that an insult? I think it was!


McDonald's Playland for the win... 

(YES, I caved! She is just too dang cute to say "no" to sometimes...and besides...pie...and peace...)

Me: Brennan, leave your American Girl toy at the table please. I don't want to have to climb up there to "rescue" her later....
Brennan: What are you going to do IF I take it up there?
Me: I will take it away.
Brennan: And do WHAT with it?
Me: I will give it to your sister.
Brennan: Weeeellll....WHICH sister?
Me: Kk. The one who WON'T give it back.
Brennan: *hands me the doll*

Yea. I thought so. I got your games, girl. And I am one step ahead. Mom for the win.


When Good Girls Go Bad

Brennan: (cuddling up to her daddy and being all lovey-dovey) Daddy, I got a headache!
Hubs: (kissing her forehead) Oh, I'm sorry honey!
Brennan: (super sweet) Wanna know who gave me a headache?
Hubs: Who did, honey?!
Brennan: It was you.

I can't stop laughing over here! She sure can deliver some crushing news all covered in syrup. Maybe when she grows up she will work in HR. She can be the person who fires people. 
...If she doesn't end up being a movie star.


What REALLY Happens When The Kids Are At Play

The kids have been *happily* playing outside for over an hour. 
Hubs: We should probably call the kids in...
Me: (looks at clock) Uh, do we HAVE to?! Can't we just leave them out there? They'd be okay out there overnight, right?! They could always sleep under the deck...
Hubs: Or in the car!
Me: YES! Besides, it's not even dark yet. Let's not give up so easily.
(Goes back to watching TV)

Five minutes later
Hubs: We are bad. You know that right?!
Me: Nah. We are just smart. Now shut up before you jinx it.


The Little Lies We Tell

As a big storm is rolling in-
Brennan:*frightened* Is that thunder, momma? I don't LIKE storms!
Me: Yes. But it's ok. We are inside and safe!
Brennan: *Looking out the window* Wow! That sure is a lot of rain, momma!
Me: Yes, it's really coming down!
Brennan: Is God bowling AND crying, momma? Why would he be doing both?! ....OH, I KNOW! He is probably crying because he's not winning!....OR.....maybe he is crying because I have been so naughty....

Yea. I PROBABLY should have said something about that last part. But NOBODY said I was perfect! I wonder if that will make her pick up her markers like I have been asking her to do for the last half an hour?


What was your favorite story from this past year?
And be watching for more "Tid-Bits" in the near future

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